jueves, abril 18, 2024

Kaine: Trump Jr. may have committed treason

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Carrizo amenaza con no asistir al último debate presidencial si Mulino no asiste

El vicepresidente y candidato por los partido PRD y Molirena, José Gabriel Carrizo, anunció a través de la red social X, que no asistirá...

Presidente Cortizo dice que Mulino debe correr

El presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo, expresó que todos los candidatos presidenciales deben correr en las elecciones del próximo 5 de mayo, incluyendo...

Molino Mola: La candidatura de Mulino es Constitucional

En una reciente intervención en el programa televisivo Debate Abierto, el exmagistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Edgardo Molino Mola, respaldó la legitimidad...

Según encuesta de InfoData 360, Roux se está acercando a Mulino

La última encuesta sobre la intención de voto presidencial realizada por InfoData 360, a petición de CM América Publicidad, S.A., sigue mostrando un escenario de...

[rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»20px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#0a0a0a»]Story Highlights[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=»10″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»][rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»16px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#666666″]

  • French voters will head to the polls Sunday in race between Macron

[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=»5″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»][rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»16px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#666666″]

  • Polling companies are expected to give early results Sunday night


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He has led a remarkable campaign, defying the traditional mainstream parties courtesy of his En Marche! movement. For many, however, the campaign has become less about backing Macron and instead about voting against Le Pen, the National Front candidate.

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He has led a remarkable campaign, defying the traditional mainstream parties courtesy of his En Marche! movement. For many, however, the campaign has become less about backing Macron and instead about voting against Le Pen, the National Front candidate.

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Le Pen has spent the past few weeks battling to extend her appeal beyond her traditional base of supporters, while Macron has been attempting to convince voters that he is not part of the political elite they rejected in the first round.

[rs_space lg_device=»30″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»][rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»32px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#0a0a0a»]The Conclusion[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=»20″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»]

The country is still under a state of emergency following those attacks and several others. Some 12,000 extra police and soldiers are on duty in the capital for election day to secure polling stations and the candidates’ headquarters, Paris police said.

[rs_space lg_device=»30″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»][rs_video_block video_url=»https://www.youtube.com/embed/UsMHIqgIrVw»][rs_space lg_device=»20″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»]

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

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 Kara Fox and Barbara Arvanitidis reported from Paris and Bryony Jones reported from Bordeaux. James Masters and Angela Dewan wrote from London. Sebastian Shukla and Karen Smith contributed to this report.


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Carrizo amenaza con no asistir al último debate presidencial si Mulino no asiste

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